Logo design

Logo design

Logo design is a unique identifiable representation of your business that creates a brand image in the minds of business eco-system around you including existing and prospective customers.

Our Logo Design Services

Abap web planet  offers custom logo design service at an affordable price. We spend time in understanding your business needs and how your identity can impact your business. Based on your inputs we select a set of logo designers from our team for delivering different logo options to you.
A diverse team of logo designers bring different point of view and get the creative juice flowing in the team. You can select the logo that suits your need. On the selected logo, we offer you revisions in form of tweaks and variations until you are 100% satisfied.
Thus, you are guaranteed to get a professional, custom logo that satisfies your business objectives at an affordable cost.
You own the copyright of the custom-made logo that we design for you. You can use it whichever way you want. In fact, we suggest that you should get your trademark done for your logo to protect it from being copied by your competitors and cyber-squatters.

Benefits of Logo Design

  • A unique identifiable identity for your company, products or services.
  • It makes your company stand out in the crowd and get noticed.
  • Your marketing / branding investment gets locked into a tangible form, which can be utilized in expanding your business horizons using the same goodwill that you create in one business, product or service.

Importance of Logo Design

A good logo design conveys the business message, and creates a lasting visual impact on people in and around the company using a combination of text and graphics. New companies and services are launched every day. And they fight for the short attention span of their prospects. Therefore, it is very important for every business to have a company logo that makes them stand out of the crowd.

Why Avail Our Services?

In spite of hard competition, we have a large number of satisfied customers who come back to us again and again. The reason being:
  • Quality logo design service
  • Multiple logo designers for every project.
  • 100% in-house design team.
  • Exceptional customer service team
  • Affordable pricing
  • On-time delivery
  • Ethical business practices
  • Commitment to deliver results